This was the first show for me since the pandemic started, and a great step back into it.


Sarah Shook

August 11, 2021

The opener Lizzie No is a terrific songwriter from NYC with some quotable moments — “The winners write the history books, but the petty bitches write the songs”.


Sarah Shook put on a great performance of familiar songs despite the fact that she wasn’t feeling her best, having rescheduled her previous West Virginia stop the night before. Naturally she was concerned and underwent a few COVID tests before moving on to Columbus. We were greeted at the door that  the performers asked that the audience wear masks when not drinking. Clearly the pandemic will have an impact on concerts to come for a long time. Her sobriety has made a big difference in her life and music, but she hasn’t lost a step in her performance.

Rumba is a small venue in Columbus with good sound and dim lighting. Everyone made the most of it.

